How to Get a Dog to Stop Play Biting

Do you know how to get a dog to stop play biting ? There are roughly 28 teeny-tiny razors in a puppy’s mouth, and they seem to be drawn to your fingers or toes. Although dog trainers refer to it as “play biting,” it is annoying and frequently painful when your adorable puppy looks to be all teeth. However, you can teach your puppy to stop doing this with only a few easy steps because it is normal for puppies to be teething and require development.

How To Get A Dog To Stop Play Biting

Learn How To Get a Dog to Stop Play Biting

Teach your dog not to bite, as it will be "Game Over."

There are no exceptions; if your dog bites you while you’re playing, the game is finished and you dint know how to get a dog to stop play biting . As weird as it may sound, yelling at or hitting your dog is also a reward. It serves as positive punishment by teaching them that biting results in a response from you. They might develop a phobia of handling as a result of this. Instead, impart the knowledge that biting will not benefit them. Turn around and tuck your hands under your armpits, advises dog trainer and A.K.C. Family Dog columnist Kathy Santo.

She claims it serves as a relaxing signal and a little attention disengagement. Likewise, take care not to roughhouse with your young dog in a way that can provoke them into losing control and biting you.

Give your puppy a different chew toy.

It’s a good idea to always have a chew toy on hand for puppies so you can be prepared for biting and use the toy instead of your hand or furniture. Puppies will learn what is acceptable to bite or chew by doing this. While you’re playing, if they start gnawing at your fingers or toes, offer them a toy instead.

Once more, cease the play session immediately if they continue to nip. You might also use redirection if you’ve been teaching your dog to sit by asking them to do so and rewarding them with a toy.

Stop the pounce

Santo advises keeping a high-value reward next to your leg to help the puppy learn to walk politely alongside you if it is pouncing on your legs or feet as you walk, which is a typical fun puppy behaviour. The same method is employed to educate a puppy to walk on a leash.

Could you give them a timeout?

To give your puppy a chance to settle down and stop biting, gently place them in their box. Be calm; preventing them from learning to link the crate with punishment is crucial. You can let the dog out once they have calmed down.

Encourage quiet time or bathroom breaks.

Biting puppies may occasionally be overtired puppies who need to be placed in a quiet area or kennel to take sleep. Other times, kids can just be hungry or thirsty or need a bathroom break.

How To Get A Dog To Stop Play Biting

Aid in utilizing some energy

He might need to burn off some extra energy even after you’ve tried multiple times to replace the puppy’s toy. Take them outside, where you can watch them play.

Encourage desired actions.

We occasionally overlook that when our puppy is quiet and peaceful, we should reward them with a pat, a “good dog,” or a piece of kibble. By rewarding the actions you want to see, you’ll teach children what those are.

Never slap a dog.

Never, ever hit or physically discipline your dog. Speak to a veterinarian or dog trainer about strategies to control the behaviour if your pet appears to be biting out of aggression.

Sign up for a puppy lesson.

Your puppy will be allowed to interact with other dogs in an A.K.C. S.T.A.R. Puppy class or another competently conducted neighbourhood class.

It may initially seem like a major struggle to teach your tiny frenzied play-biter to use their mouth politely. The secret is to be persistent and patient. Some puppies could withdraw during one play session and then attack you with their teeth during the following.


According to Dr Jerry Klein, a chief veterinary officer of the A.K.C., “play biting does not mean your puppy is violent.” “However, it’s a good idea to visit an expert dog trainer or animal behaviour specialist if you haven’t been able to modify the behaviour by the time they’re six months old,” the author advised.

What To Look For To Tell If It's Play or Aggression?

How To Get A Dog To Stop Play Biting

Puppies use their teeth to hold or tug at a toy while they play. They sometimes accidentally graze us as they grab it with their tiny, keen teeth. Either grab a thumb,They will occasionally even try to play with our hands. Also, their puppy teeth can be very painful! Play biting is just that—play—with pups up to five months old. Rarely is it aggressive?

The majority of puppies have relaxed body language:

  • Tongue sticking out of mouth softly gazing at us with relaxed body language, tail wagging joyfully.
  • A lively puppy might even play a bow, in which his front droops to the ground while his back stays upright and his tail wags joyfully.
  • The same body language is displayed by puppies up to a year old, albeit they may be a little tougher.
  • The adult size and breed of a dog will determine how rapidly it ages. Larger breeds, like golden retrievers, take longer to mature than smaller breeds, like Maltese or chihuahuas.
  • A large or giant breed would be regarded as an adult at two years old, but a toy breed might be at one year of age.
  • A puppy may become more autonomous and test you more as he ages. But that does not necessarily imply that he is hostile.
  • Additionally, certain dogs instinctively manage the pressure when their teeth come into contact with something, such as field-bred retrievers.
  • They were developed to pick up downed prey without harming it. It would be best if you still cooperated with them, though.
  • Training improves communication and establishes boundaries for all dogs.
  • An aggressive dog may exhibit the following body language in contrast to a playful dog: raised hackles (hair on the back of the neck), tense face with wrinkled snout, lips drawn back to reveal teeth, tense body language, ears set forward, and a hard glare.
  • A hostile adult dog may have a deep-throated growl, unlike a puppy, who may growl softly while playing.
  • A hostile dog might snap and lunge menacingly.
  • If unsure, I suggest consulting a trained positive-reinforcement trainer or behaviour consultant.
  • As service dog puppy raisers, we mostly work with a labrador and golden retrievers, two of the world’s most obnoxious dog species. We attempt to teach our puppies what is suitable to bite (toys, chews, etc.) and what is not (hands, feet, legs, etc.).

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Educating against biting

  • Naturally, nobody wants to get bitten. A dog, however, learns to regulate the force of his mouthing and to be gentle when he has adequate bite inhibition.
  • Typically, a dog with bite inhibition won’t rip loose skin.
  • A younger puppy can learn bite inhibition more quickly than an adult dog.
  • When young puppies bite excessively, their littermates and mother constantly correct them.
  • A violent play bite from a littermate will typically be met with a high-pitched shriek. And the overly rough puppy will back off and learn to use his teeth more gently.
  • After then, the play will continue as the littermates learn that if they want to engage and play together, they shouldn’t bite too forcefully.
  • A puppy that bites too forcefully will also receive correction from its mother. The puppy learns what is and isn’t acceptable from this knowledge.
  • Then you bring your adorable fuzzy baby home. He uses his mouth to discover the universe.
  • And how we move our hands and wiggle our fingers makes them appear like entertaining playthings. To him, it’s just a sizable toy that beckons him to use his lips to examine it.
  • However, we experience discomfort when his needle-like fangs contact our flesh. We might yelp like a littermate would to help train a younger dog to back off and have biting inhibition.
  • The dog needs to back off. If he succeeds, congratulate him immediately and send him to a toy or chew to keep him busy.
  • Depending on the dog, you can attempt this with an older puppy who is mouthy. If he backs off after you yell, “O.W.!” give him praise and send him to a toy or chew toy.
  • Murphy, my sheltie, is the model dog for bite restraint. As a young puppy, he was taught not to force his mouth against my skin.
  • He quickly backed off after I yelled (O.W.W.W.!!) and realized that play and interaction with me ended if he touched my skin roughly with his teeth.
  • He quickly picked up the habit of keeping his fangs away from my skin. Now that he’s eight, playing with him is fun.
  • Puppies typically comprehend this language, but only sometimes. Some puppies, including those who are removed from their mother or littermates when they are too young, might not. Until they are eight weeks old, puppies should remain with their owners.
  • Dogs that are adults may react to yelp. Some people might not give in. They can learn not to be snappy in different ways.
  • The yelp may cause some older puppies or adult dogs to become overstimulated and act mouthier. Of course, could you not do this to them again?
  • Keep in mind that your hand should become limp after yelling at the dog to make him realize that his teeth have applied too much pressure to your hand.
  • Keep your hand still so the puppy won’t grasp it again when you wave it around. Also, limit yourself to three repetitions of the “yelp” exercise every session. Only try this procedure once again if you discover that it is working after one or two tries.
  • Try one of the techniques listed below to teach your dog never to bite you. That is, after all, the ultimate objective.
How To Get A Dog To Stop Play Biting

What NOT to do at home: Don't Do This.

Certain things might function but could have unfavourable outcomes. Additionally, some can even be ineffective.

The following actions should not be taken to stop play biting:

They may also cause fearfulness or hostility in your dog, ruining your relationship with them.

For dogs who struggle with separation anxiety, never put them in time out. Even for 20 or 30 seconds, the preceding approach of taking or leaving your dog away from you might aggravate the discomfort a dog with separation anxiety suffers. Additionally, it may worsen their general separation anxiety tendencies.

Never play tricks on your dog with your fingers, toes, or other body parts.

Our dogs find our arms and legs quite enticing when we wave them. No one wants to think of us as a chew toys. Additionally, avoid jerking your feet or hands away from the dog. Instead, let them sag and grow monotonous.

Avoid using harsh, traditional corrections.

Many trainers used to give harsh, even cruel, corrections. Still, some do. However, you don’t want to be cruel to your cherished pet.

Were they successful? At least temporarily, some were. However, they frequently damaged the owner-dog relationship. This gave the dog unintended negative side effects like fear or aggression.

Pinning the dog, slapping him, scruff shaking him, forcing fingers down his throat, alpha rolling him, grasping his snout, pulling his collar, or spraying him with water were a few of these “corrections.”

First off, some dogs might flee from you out of fear. And your trusty connection will be severed—possibly permanently. The aggressive behaviour of other dogs could be in self-defence. You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t care for your dog. Don’t try these brutal, ineffective techniques, then.

Conclusion: How To Get A Dog To Stop Play Biting ​

Once you’ve established that it plays biting rather than aggressive behavior, there are many gentle ways to change your dog’s behavior. Each dog is unique. We provided 16 suggestions to assist you in getting your dog to stop play biting. Try another if the first one doesn’t work. You should take a few steps, such as exercising your dog, teaching him new tricks, and guiding him toward food or toys.

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