How To Attach Dog Tags To Collar

Learn how to attach dog tags to a collar in a few simple steps. Our guide will show you the best way to attach tags securely, preventing loss or damage. Find out the different types of collars and tags available, and which one is right for your furry friend. Keep your dog safe and stylish with properly attached tags.

I always carry my phone when I walk my dogs because I want to be prepared to assist a missing dog if I come across one (this occurs to me several times a year!). I chose a new collar for our dog Rudy when we acquired him, and I had dog tags created and fastened for when we picked him up from the shelter. His ID tag is always on him.

How To Attach Dog Tags To Collar

Dog owners should exercise caution in ensuring that their puppies always wear collars with the most recent dog tags. I’ve previously located lost dogs with no collar or an outdated phone number on their ID tag. So! Let me explain the significance of this and how to attach an ID tag to your dog’s collar.

Why Should a Dog Tag Be Attached to a Collar?

You should put dog tags on your pet’s collar and make sure they wear them at all times for a few reasons.

First, ID tags will enable whoever finds your adorable pet to get in touch with you and return them to you as soon as possible if your dog becomes lost. Your dog should wear a dog tag even if it has a microchip. Without it, you will have to rely on whoever finds your dog to take them to a vet or shelter so it can scan its microchip and retrieve your information if they become lost.

This is a problem since

You must add a new phone number or address to your microchip’s information. You might have to wait until Monday during regular business hours for someone to take your dog in to scan its microchip if it goes missing over the weekend. The possibility that doing so could be against the law is the second key justification for wearing identifying tags on your dog’s collar.

It could be necessary to have a dog license (issued by your county or municipality) and a rabies vaccination, depending on where you reside. These identifying badges are needed in many locations for dogs. Yes, even if your dog has a microchip, you still need to do this

Amass Your Materials

You only require the following items to attach a dog tag to your dog’s collar:

– The usual collar for your dog (not a choke chain, prong collar, or another kind of dog training collar)

-The ID tag on your dog (plus any other tags like a rabies tag or registration tag). S-hooks or split rings (this may have come with the dog tag, but maybe not)

A dog tag should include your dog’s name and your current contact information. If there is enough room, you can include your address, a second phone number, or a registration number.

Whenever you relocate, make sure to get a new dog tag!

How Do I Attach a Dog Tag to My Collar?

Step 1:  Remove and inspect your dog’s collar.

Take off your pet’s collar to begin because doing so will make the operation much simpler. To determine where to affix the tags, glance at their collar. The D-ring, the ring to which a leash is attached when walking, is the most frequently used location. Some dog collars include a tiny metal ring intended only to fasten a tag.

Step 2: Fasten tags to the S-hook or split ring.

Put the tag on the hardware before fastening the ring to the collar.

  • Utilizing a Split Ring

A split ring is similar to a key ring but considerably smaller when used for dog tags. Using your fingernail to pry open the split ring’s end to attach your tag would be best. The tag should then be moved around the split ring’s “corkscrew” until it moves freely in the center. If your nails are quite short, it may be difficult to pry open the split ring. Additionally, your nail paint may chip. A helping hand can be useful if the split ring you’re utilizing is incredibly small or restricted. One person can attach the pet tag while the other open the ring.

  • S-Hook usage

An S-hook is a little easier to use, but you can keep the tag if you’re careful. Put the ID tag on one side of the S-hook. Get your tags on the hook if you have several before continuing. The hook should then be tightly secured with two fingers to prevent the tag from coming off.

How To Attach Dog Tags To Collar

Step 3: Fasten the Collar with the Ring or Hook.

The hardware should be fastened to the collar’s D-ring or tag ring using the same procedure. Utilizing the other side of the S, you will crimp the S-hook into the collar. This changes the hook’s S-shape into a more figure-8-like shape. An alternative is to get an ID tag pet clip if you frequently swap the collar your dog is wearing (for example, switching between a GPS dog tracker and a reflective dog collar) and don’t want to go through the procedure of transferring their tags each time. This is a little carabiner that you can quickly unclip and clip to a different collar. This is a useful alternative if you lack the finger power to attach collar tags to the more typical hardware.

Step 4: Secure Your Dog’s Neck Using the Collar Clip

You succeeded! Reattach the collar to your dog’s neck and let them proudly display their new tags. When you first place a collar on your puppy, it could take them some time to get used to the weight and sounds. You should adjust the puppy collar to fit a few fingers between the puppy’s neck and the collar without it being too tight.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wearing Dog Tags on a Collar

The traditional technique of identifying a dog is to attach a tag to its collar. But there’s a reason it’s a classic! It is reasonably priced and dependable. But there are certain drawbacks.

Cons of Putting a Dog Tag on Your Collar

-You can lose your tags if the tag ring on the collar breaks. Some collars’ D-rings are made of plastic, which could break if your dog pulls forcefully on the leash. Study the information carefully. The hardware on some of the greatest dog collars is made entirely of metal.

-The sound of a jingling dog tag could drive you insane; this is especially likely if you have several tags. A silicone quiet dog tag or having your information embroidered directly onto the collar are more options.

-Occasionally, while scratching, one of my dogs will get a toenail caught in the tag ring on their collar, and I have to assist them. Although a little frightening, it has never actually hurt anyone.

The Unknown Risk of S-hooks

We have given our clients the option of an S-hook or a split ring with thousands of tags for over 20 years. S-hooks are a straightforward, reliable method of fastening a tag to a collar, but pliers are needed to pinch it tight. We received a letter outlining a horrific catastrophe around six years ago. Somehow, an S-hook became caught in a dog’s eyelid wearing one of our tags.

We were relieved to learn that the puppy was unharmed and had fully recovered. The proprietors merely wanted us to know the S-potential hooks for harm. It was almost inconceivable even to consider how this disaster could have occurred. In actuality, we were unaware of any S-hook-related injuries. We assumed that this was a one-of-a-kind freak accident.

Then it occurred once more!

We were in awe. Further analysis revealed that the S-hook was partially closed in both instances, just enough to prevent the tag from slipping off. The S-hook was nevertheless able to function as a hook and seize the dog’s eyelid because of that little aperture. Fortunately, the second dog also made a full recovery.

S-hooks were all we had left. Said, we cannot guarantee that every S-hook will be completely pinched shut to prevent this from happening again. That day, we decided to rule out the S-hook as a possibility.

There are countless animals with S-hook attachments. Please ensure that the S-hook is completely closed on both sides if your pet is one of them. You should consider switching to a split ring as your new attachment.

How To Attach Dog Tags To Collar

Divided Rings

Split ring attachments are included with every one of our tags—key rings in the size of split rings. A tool-free flat spiral of spring steel that, once attached, tends to remain on and, as far as we are aware, cannot hurt your pet. Ordering a box of split rings may seem straightforward, but there are various considerations we must make to make sure your split ring performs as it should.

The first decision is straightforward; we select the ring’s diameter. Next, we need to decide on the metal’s thickness for the ring. That influences its toughness and how difficult it is to spread open when putting it on. Strength and usability must be carefully weighed concerning one another. Additionally, we must decide how much steel contains a spring. If it is not sufficiently springy, it will flex when spread open and not close again. The metal becomes brittle and will break to pieces if we make them too springy when pulled to the breaking point.

Testing our rings is the only method to find all this information. An image of our tug tester can be found above. Every time we order a fresh batch or purchase from a different supplier, we use it to test rings. We are aware that we desire the ring to maintain its shape for a predetermined amount of pounds before stretching open under further tension. Nobody else likely goes to these lengths to make sure the product on your pet works as it should.


At LuckyPet, we created and designed the Klippy. We sell a ridiculous amount of them. Since the tag is still connected to the Klippy by a ring, the Klippy is not a substitute for the split ring. Once you’ve used the split ring to attach your tag to the Klippy, it’s simple to clip and unclip your tag. This makes switching tags between collars really simple, as well as removing tags while your pet is inside, and you don’t want to hear them jingling every time they move.

Numerous individuals have found that Klippys are wonderful for many purposes, more than just serving as pet tags. Klippy is a great option when you rapidly attach and unhook smaller items like keys or a camera strap.

Necktie Tags

Finally, an explanation of pet tag-hanging techniques would only be complete by mentioning another choice: don’t hang the tag. We provide collar tags and rivet-on tags for sale. We are the only firm offering collar tags because we created them here in the factory. These stylish tags can be attached to your pet’s collar flat. Compared to a hanging pet tag, this has several benefits, including no dangling to irritate your pet and no jingling to make noise. Perhaps more crucially, the writing doesn’t deteriorate because it doesn’t rub against anything.

If you’ve made it this far, you already know more about fastening a pet tag to a collar than most people (ever wanted to know)! To avoid utilizing an S-hook in the unlikely event that your pet is unlucky in a million, we strongly advise against it. In addition, if you frequently need to replace collars or tags, think about getting a Klippy. Otherwise, the time-tested split ring is the finest option for the unsexy and often-ignored task of fastening your pet’s tag.

How To Attach Dog Tags To Collar

Final Reflections

Attaching a tag to your dog’s collar is rather easy. Tags can be purchased in several forms, colors, and fonts, making the experience enjoyable. You can relax about being able to find your pet again if they go lost because the tag has your phone number (and possibly your address) inscribed on it. Reading this post has inspired you to quickly attach a dog collar tag with your contact information to your pet.

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