How Long Can You Board a Dog

Learn how long can you board a dog. The main goal of a vacation is to unwind with the people you care about. If taking your dog on a road trip is not an option, you shouldn’t be anxious about leaving them behind. It’s a terrific idea to board your dog in a trustworthy kennel (and for some puppies, it’s the perfect solution!). The longest you should board a dog is two weeks in most cases. Every dog is unique, and the length of time you can board yours will depend on her age, temperament, previous boarding experience, and social abilities.

How Long May a Dog Be Boarded?

According to Dr Sarah Wooten, DVM, a veterinarian expert for Pumpkin Pet Insurance, most dogs can withstand two to four weeks of boarding. It varies from dog to dog. According to Dr Wooten, some dogs respond negatively after two weeks, while others can remain for months without becoming alarmed. Anything over four weeks is typically excessive, and many kennels set restrictions.

After only a few days of boarding, dogs with a history of separation anxiety or antisocial behavior could exhibit negative behavior. Consider other options if you’re in one of these scenarios or need to board your dog for more than four weeks. Dr Wooten advises leaving your dog with a dependable friend or relative familiar with the situation or hiring a pet sitter who can spend the night at your house.

According to Dr Linda Simon, MVB and consulting veterinarian at Five Barks, any dog with major health problems or illnesses may qualify for boarding services from a veterinary clinic. “Veterinarian clinics that offer boarding services should be considered if your dog has a chronic condition that needs monitoring, such as diabetes. For these animals, some veterinary nurses will provide pet-sitting services.

Combining and matching are also effective! A two-week kennel stays combined with a two-week pet-sitting assignment shakes things up and gives your dog a chance to spend at least some time at home.

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An Alternative Perspective

A certified dog trainer in California with years of expertise, Kevin Ryan is the owner of SuperbDog. He was the outlier in our study, claiming that as long as circumstances and care are good, there is virtually no time restriction on how long you can board your dog. According to Ryan, dogs are moment-oriented creatures, and their memory operates very differently from ours. They are quite content after they get used to a new routine. Their habitual change is what bothers them.

Ryan said dogs don’t pine for you while in a kennel. They could be happy to see you when you pick them up, but that doesn’t mean they’ve been staring wistfully out the window since you left.

Ryan points out it’s not a good idea to board a dog at a new facility for an extended period. He thinks that the dog may find the shift to be too much. Before boarding their dog for more than a few nights, all the professionals we talked to advise dog owners to give it a try (or two!). This helps your dog adjust to a new environment and lets her know you will return soon. Do a second overnight trial to see how your dog responds to the place. If the dog is excited to see you when they get back, you can be sure they had a good time, which will help you feel less guilty about taking them.

Ten Things You Should Be Aware of Before Boarding Your Dog

  1. Various Kennels Have various policies and regulations

Your dog may have previously been boarded. To learn more about their policies and regulations regarding different facets of your dog’s care, you must speak with them if you are using a new boarding facility. This will consist of the following:

Whether you can bring your meals or whether they can give it

  • How do they handle one-on-one walking and playtime
  • What is your dog allowed to bring from home
  • What will happen if there is a medical emergency
  • Whether they are content to dispense medicine
  • These are but a few of the factors you will need to consider when picking the ideal kennels for your dog while he is being boarded.

 2.His Immunizations Must Be Current

Every kennel will have its admission requirements, but one thing is certain: any good kennel that values your dog’s health will demand that he has all of his shots up to date and that they produce confirmation of this before they admit him. This is because areas with many dogs can quickly become infected with several dangerous diseases, making kennels the ideal disease-breeding environment. The danger that your pet or others will get sick is reduced by ensuring all canines have their current immunizations.

  1. Before boarding, check him for parasites

Like viruses and diseases, parasite issues may be extremely dangerous to kennels and the animals staying there while your dog is there. Due to this, many boarding facilities may demand that they conduct their parasite check before granting entry. Your dog will need to be treated at your expense if they are discovered before he can board. Before boarding, performing your own parasite inspection on your dog is often simpler and less expensive.

  1. Don’t alter your dog’s diet.

It is not a good idea to temporarily alter an animal’s diet. This is because it may take their digestive system some time to adjust, and by the time it does, it is usually time to return to the meal they were originally eating. See what foods the boarding facility of your choice can provide. If the brand is different from the one your dog is currently eating, see if you may bring your own. Make sure to bring more than you need—you can always take any extras home.

  1. Ascertain That He Has His Own Space

All dogs residing at boarding facilities will have their quarters to rest, eat, and unwind on their schedules and away from other animals. Make sure only a few animals can interact simultaneously; two or three are ideal. Ask the kennel what their policies are on dogs being walked together or socializing. Additionally, if your dog doesn’t play well with others, make sure he can go on walks alone.

  1. Verify the Facility’s Cleanliness

As you can expect, having a lot of animals in a small area can make it challenging to maintain a clean atmosphere. Although it is impossible to keep the environment sterile, a quality kennel facility will have rigorous regulations about sanitation and hygiene. When you visit, it should appear, smell, and feel clean.

  1. Request to Know If They Can Give Medication

Today, many animals depend heavily on their medications. Make sure the personnel at the boarding facility you choose has the training and experience necessary to handle this on your behalf if you and your dog become separated. Remember to inquire about what happens to animals who require medication while they are there. Asking about their plans if your dog friend gets unwell and needs medical attention is also a good idea.

  1. Refrain from making a scene when you drop him off

Animals can read your emotions like a book, so if you express your sadness or tension by overcompensating when saying goodbye, your dog will pick up on it. This might make saying goodbye and settling your dog down much more difficult. Keep things brief, straightforward, and sweet instead. Your mind will also be at ease as he becomes more tranquil.

  1. When he initially returns home, he might act differently.

Dogs often behave slightly differently in the first few days after arriving at their new home. This may include getting hungrier or thirstier than normal, acting tired, acting incredibly clinging, or even experiencing diarrhoea. These are normal reactions to returning home and normally subside within a few days. If they don’t, seek counsel from your kennel or a Nashville veterinarian.

 10. Trust Your Gut Feelings

Trust your instincts when selecting a kennel for your dog. Only take a chance if you think your dog will be pleased or have concerns about a part of the care you have been briefed about. Trust your instincts and select another facility from your shortlist after returning to it. If you leave your dog somewhere, you aren’t completely at ease with, you won’t be able to unwind.

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Fun Suggestions for Dog Boarding

Your dog will likely smell like a dog if they’ve been boarded for a while: dogs, dogs, and more. Ask for a bath the day of or the day before you take up your dog if the facility offers grooming services, so make sure to inquire.

People who are hesitant to board their dog for a few weeks should choose a place that allows you to keep an eye on their pet from a distance. You can feel secure knowing that many kennels offer live webcams of their dog play areas as part of their services.

Dr Simon points out that extended visits might make your dog apprehensive and uneasy, even if this is not in their nature. Sending them items they are accustomed to, such as their bed and a blanket from the family sofa, may be helpful.

So keep in mind all these boarding tips the next time you travel without your dog to ensure that your dog has the best time possible.

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